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Preparation of talks & posters

 The detailed programme including the time slots of the short talks will be available very soon.


Short talks

The total time slot for your short talk will be max. 15min, i.e. optimally 10min of presentation and 5min of discussion. Your slides (preferably in pdf format) must be copied to the computer available in the lecture room. We recommend to do this as soon as possible, so than you can check the functionality of your slides. A member of our organising team will be present to assist. The very latest, slides can be copied to the lecture room computer during the last coffee break prior to your session.


Poster presentations

Posters should be portrait format, with a dimension of A0 (around 841 x 1188 mm ; 33-1/8 x 46-13/16 inches). Please use a sufficiently large font size and avoid excessive and long text.

You will receive information on your poster number and where and when to mount your poster at the registration desk. Adhesive tape and push pins will be available.



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